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Image by Natalie Pedigo

Welcome to



** The Flawsome Mindset Leadership**  

Where "f**k my life" becomes a thing of the past.  

Here, we embrace flaws and turn them into fuel for creating the self and life you truly desire.


Ready to let go of perfection and step into your power?  

Explore our programs designed to help you **thrive**, not just survive.  

Get started on your journey today—because your time to be Flawsome is now.

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Who is the Leader of The FML?

Introducing Shana DeJesus, the fierce and flawed CEO and founder of Flawsome Mindset Leadership. From the moment she embarked on this incredible journey, Shana's mission has been crystal clear: to empower individuals to feel good about themselves, embrace their unique qualities, and rise above their circumstances. But let's rewind for a moment. Shana's transformation began when she realized that she, too, deserved to feel badass. She understood that she was so much more than her past experiences and decided to embark on a journey of self-love and personal growth. Now, you might be surprised to learn that a mere 10 years ago, Shana wasn't exactly the epitome of the growth mindset she now champions. In fact, she couldn't stand people who were all about personal growth. 

The FML's Focus

The FML empowers individuals and teams to embrace their imperfections, confront challenges head-on, and foster a kick-ass growth mindset. The FML will guide you through a transformative journey, helping you uncover your unique strengths and weaknesses. I believe that by embracing your flaws, you can tap into your true potential and unlock a whole new level of success and the Badass you are meant to be.

But let's get real here.

We're not here to sugarcoat things and just hold hands. The FML is here to kick your ass into gear (in the most supportive way possible) and push you beyond your comfort zone.

This will challenge you, make you uncomfortable, and help you break through those self-imposed limitations.

Because let's face it, success doesn't come easy.

It requires grit, determination, and a willingness to face your fears. And that's where I come in. I'll provide you with the tools, strategies, and mindset shifts to tackle any obstacle that comes your way. So, whether you're an individual looking to level up your personal growth or a business seeking to cultivate a kick-ass team of leaders, Flawsome Mindset Leadership Organization is here to help you unleash your inner badassery. 

Leadership Development

Communication Skills

Conflict Resolution

Embracing Flaws and Awesomeness

Mindset Strategies in Business

Personal Growth

Liz Hemric, Tx

Results from The FML Challenge:
"Last year I made the decision to finally put myself 1st and go back to school to get my degree in nursing… but since then I kind of feel into a rut and didn’t feel like nursing is my calling… however this morning as I was getting ready for work I looked I the mirror and it’s like it slapped me in the face… my true calling is to listen to people and help talk them down from “falling “ over the cliff.. so I decided to change my degree to mental health/psychology."

Jennifer Weiler, Wi

"I was first introduced to Shana just over a year ago when I came across a social media post. For the first time in a long while, I felt like someone finally understood the pain and struggles of the chronically ill. After interacting with the post, another six months passed before I took any action on what she offered: accountability to help change my life. The interaction with the initial post and the subsequent messages afterward have led me to where I am now—on a journey to better myself in mind, body, and spirit. Her guidance in helping me through mindset changes has been instrumental. I used to be a negative self-talker (I still slip up), but Shana has helped me see and understand the true meaning of the phrase 'words have power' and how to implement it, speaking positively to myself. She's taught me how to slow down, be present in the moment, and bear witness to what the universe offers in return. Last but not least, her guidance and mentoring through my journey of self-improvement and mindset change have been instrumental. Without her help, I wouldn't be as far as I am today. For that, saying thank you never seems to be. enough."

Kimberly Tanner, Tn

“Oh goodness- where do I start. 

Before starting this program I was going through the motions.. wasn’t getting anywhere. 

Shana and the FML training brought forth my best leadership skills and was worth going through. She is by far the best trainer/ coach who leads by example. Trust me- join this program and watch your life change for the better.


My life has forever been changed. I dare you to move. I dare you to join and become the best leader you can be.”


"An individual who embraces their "Flaws" and knows they are Awesome regardless."

Flawsome (adj.)

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