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The FML’s 5 to Thrive

  • 35 Steps
Get a certificate by completing the program.


Thank you for your interest in The FML’s '5 to Thrive' course offered by Flawsome Mindset Leadership, a global online-based business specializing in Flawsome leadership development and mindset coaching. This course is designed for individuals like you who desire becoming a badass leader in their personal and/or professional life, so they can create the life they truly desire. Because each of us are leaders. Every decision we make, whether it be choosing to brush our hair or not, to going after a career we’ve always dreamt or keep the mediocre position we are in, are us leading ourselves in a direction. Some no so good and some fantastic AF! Myself and this program will help guide you to a badass growth-oriented mindset, and teach you how to harness the power of embracing your flaws for personal and professional growth. This course will guide you through practical & simple strategies to overcome roadblocks because the less bumps in the road the better. You and I together will address your flaws, the pesky things you feel have been holding your Flawsome self back and transform them into your superpowers. By enrolling in this program, you will learn how to embrace your flaws, enhance your leadership abilities (yes this does apply to your personal life too), and achieve personal growth. Whether you are seeking to overcome challenges or simply looking to enhance your leadership skills, this course will empower you to unlock your full potential and lead with confidence. ***You will gain access to 5 weeks of interactive video lessons, 35 days, printable worksheets, as well as become a part our private online chat community, and receive 3- biweekly one hour 1:1 calls with me. It is up to you if you are going to tap into your courage and take the leap even if you don’t feel fully ready. Because in reality, are we ever truly ready to level up and thrive? The ready part begins after you take action, so will you take the leap?!

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app



Single Payment
The’5 to Thrive’ Payment Plan


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